On October 13 we experienced a full moon... A full moon always brings an intensifying of energies which, if you're paying attention, offers you a moment of truth and illumination.
My work has been intensifying, as well. I have been enjoying a rethinking about who I want to serve and what that service looks like. I've been enjoying this process thoroughly. You may have sensed that in my Facebook Posts @shellyboismenumft
I've been a private practice therapist for fifteen years and although I love my work as much, if not more, than when I started, I am not the same person I was fifteen years ago. My life has textured me, and illuminated my own understanding of what heals.
It is my hope that my blog becomes a weekly moment of truth and illumination for any woman who needs it, at exactly the moment she needs it. Don't you love when that happens?
So, today, I offer you the gift of dreaming your own dreams, of checking in about whether or not you are living your truth fully? Because, it's time to start.
Take a moment. Place a reminder of your commitment to expand an aspect of YOU somewhere in your home. Maybe it is a crystal, a candle, an image or object. This will be the physical symbol of your willingness to receive any and all Truth and Light from the Universe.
And, check back every Monday for a new post!
